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Preparing for a Recital

It is never too early to talk about recital prep and practices! If you are new to this whole music thing it can be a little overwhelming with all the nuances and standard practices involved in being a part of the music scene. Recitals are a part of every musician's journey and as exciting as it is, it can also be nerve-wracking.

What is a recital?

You can think of recitals as performances that showcase an individual or group of individuals' hard work. Recitals are meant to be a joyous time surrounded the performers' family and friends, who of course are there to give 100% support. We have some tips that will ease your nerves and prepare you

Tips for Recitals

The first thing you want to make sure you do is practice

There are many benefits to practicing your instrument. I know-- you have heard it a million times in all corners of the internet, from teachers and parents alike-- but practice is more than just getting better at your instrument. It is about building your confidence within your studio so you can better perform in front of other people. Practicing isn't just going through scales over and over again, it can include the practice of visualization, practice performing, and much more.

Dress to impress

If you dress well, you will feel better. Think about all the times you've been complimented about your clothes -- it always gives you a little bit of pep in your step. Depending on your situation, whether you are organizing the recital or you are preparing for one within your studio, you should be dressing semi-formal to formal dress. Some studio policy may suggest a guideline, if that's the case, always follow it. Regardless, looking spiffy, will only boost your confidence, no matter how anxious you may be! Just make sure the clothes are functional to your instrument end won't distract you from your own performance.

Plan out your schedule for that day

It is very easy to forget the stuff because of life. But you really want to make sure to carefully plan the big day! You certainly don't want to be rushing around all day or risk running late or worse, missing the recital entirely! Planning out your schedule will ease your mind on what you have to do because there is something you can always reference. I recommend using a app on your phone or doing an old-fashioned paper schedule.

Create a pre-performance routine

If you are not used to the sensation or the feeling of getting up on stage, it is likely that you are nervous of the unknown. You've never experienced something like this and your body does not interpret that as a non-dangerous environment. Your body cannot distinguish between being chased by a lion or just doing a performance-based task. We're all worried about our perception or the way we look in front of our community but rest assured recitals are very safe (especially the ones here at Melody Mart). Take a breather and create a pre-performance routine.

Mock Performances are your best friends

Whether you like it or not, performing before the performance will help you immensely. Practicing under recital conditions will emulate the pressure during a real performance.This motivates you to revise early on because you are identifying parts you need to work on.

Invite your fans!

Having people you love present will help you feel at ease. Family and friends you trust will support you through the thick and thin and knowing that someone is going You can make it a whole event and plan a little post-recital celebration while you are at it!

Most importantly, have fun!

We can provide private instruction to help you get through a recital-- Click the button below to see more info!

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